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7 Ways to Be Better at Online Learning

As we say goodbye to this truly unforgettable summer, it is time to welcome another semester of online learning! If you or someone you know is determined to make this semester a little more productive than the last, this week's Feel Good Friday is for you. Share these...

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COVID-19 Emergency Bag For College Students

If your college student is returning to campus have them pack an emergency Covid-bag in case they test positive and have to quarantine. In these uncertain times, the possibility exists that your child may test positive, and have to leave his or her dorm for a...

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COVID-19 and Nutrition

To help cope with stress that may be related to the COVID-19 pandemic, take care of your body by including good nutrition as part of self-care. Certain vitamins and minerals (e.g. Vitamins C and D, zinc) may have effects on how our immune system works to fight off...

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