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One-Minute Meditations

Mar 19, 2021 | Feel Good Friday

When we learn how to meditate, we are also learning how to reduce stress, calm our minds and bodies, improve our sleep quality, get along better, and feel happier. We’ve rounded up six ways to use breathing and movement to de-stress in just one minute. Make sure you are somewhere where you can relax into this process, set a timer, and give it a shot!

1. Basic breathing meditation

Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your heart. Slowly breathe in through your nose for four counts, slowly breathe out for four counts. This is best to do before bed or right when you wake. It will help you start your day with clarity, or end your day on a peaceful note.

2. Nostril breathing meditation

Use your right thumb to plug your right nostril, breathe in through the left. Then plug your left nostril with your index finger and breathe out through the right nostril. Then breathe in through the right nostril, and out through the left. Keep alternating. This will help you balance your energy.

3. Neck stretch meditation

Drop your right ear to your right shoulder and slowly breathe in, and then blow out slowly through your mouth. Think about pushing out any and all tension. Repeat this four times total, then switch sides. This meditation can help to get rid of head and neck tension, and help you find your way to physical and mental serenity.

4. Abdominal meditation

You can do this while waiting in line, or sitting at your desk. Bring your awareness to your mid-section by pulling the naval in towards the spine. Breathe out, hold the breathe at the bottom, and then slowly release and breathe back in. Hold the breath at the top, and then slowly breathe out pulling the naval back in and contracting the abs. Repeat this a few times.

5. Moving meditation

Start in standing position with your palms together and take a deep breath in through the nose. Place one hand on your hip, lower the other arm and exhale as you bend to the side. Come back to center and inhale, and exhale to the other side. Repeat this, alternating sides each time and focusing on your breath.

6. Tree pose meditation

Plant one foot firmly on the ground, turn your opposite knee out and press your foot into your ankle, calf or above your knee. Place palms together and focus on slowly breathing in and out. If you’re having trouble balancing, choose a point on the ground and fix your eyes there. Breathe here for 60 seconds. Then repeat on the opposite side.

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