Santa Barbara Superior Court Announces it Will Be Closed Through May 23, 2020
On Friday, April 24, 2020, Santa Barbara Superior Court announced that the Court will continue to be closed for non-emergency matters through May 23, 2020.
The Court’s Press Release:
Even though the Court remains closed, people needing emergency assistance still have access to justice. The Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara is open for service by phone during the COVID-19 pandemic and may be able to assist you. Their staff is working hard to respond to all callers but you may need to leave a message. The attorneys at Drury Pullen, A Professional Law Corporation are here to help as well. Emergency matters such a domestic violence and child custody can still be addressed by a judge.
What is an Emergency Matter?
Individuals needing to obtain Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Orders may do so even while the Courts are closed. Emergency protective orders under Family Code section 6250 issued during the state of emergency must remain in effect for up to 30 days from the of issuance.
Individuals may also bring matters of child custody and visitation before the court with an ex parte motion (emergency motion) if necessary. The Court will decide if a true emergency exists before ruling on any emergency matter.
Modifying spousal support or child support is not an emergency. However, there are special emergency rules related to COVID-19 in place that allow a party to file a Request for Order (“request”) for a modification or termination of support while the courts are closed. Under certain circumstances, the effective date of the request will be the date when the request is mailed or otherwise served on the other party or the other party’s attorney. Filing and serving your request may preserve your opportunity to have the future order retroactive to the date of filing and/or service.
The Family Law attorneys at Drury Pullen, A Professional Law Corporation are open and working with existing and new clients during the pandemic. Please contact our office for more information or to schedule a consultation. Consultations are presently being scheduled remotely by telephone or Zoom. You may also call us at (805) 879-7523. If you are on Instagram, please follow us @CaliforniaDivorce.